When starting your fitness journey, it’s best to engage in a diet that helps you lose weight without having to go hungry. After all, what’s the use of a slimmer body if you’re tired all the time from a lack of fuel? Fortunately, there is a way around that. By adding vegan protein shakes as part of your meal replacement plan, you don’t need to worry about having to starve while shedding off the kilos.

If you’re a newbie to these vegan meal replacement shakes, or to weight loss in general, here’s a guide on what you need to know.

What are vegan meal replacement shakes?

As the name suggests, vegan meal replacement shakes are nutrient-packed drinks formulated to be an adequate replacement for solid meals and in turn, help aid in weight loss. While they are low in calories to help reduce the kilos, they are still packed with nutrients and protein. This makes vegan protein shakes a healthy way to diet, as they are still quite filling despite having less calories.

What are the health benefits of vegan protein powder shakes?

Like what was mentioned above, vegan plant-based protein shakes are healthy and effective for weight loss due to their ability to reduce calorie intake while still satisfying the appetite. The nutrient content is enough to give your body the adequate nutrition it needs to function normally, making it a great subsidiary to solid meals.

More than that, these shakes are also high in protein content. Protein has several benefits, including building muscle mass, boosting metabolism, repairing body tissue, and curbing appetite. With a consistent protein intake through these vegan meal replacement shakes, a healthier body is within reach.

Vegan protein shakes also have a high fibre content, which aids in achieving normal bowel health, as well as lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels. And with your blood sugar and cholesterol stabilising, your body is in better shape.

Lastly, the “vegan” part means that all ingredients are natural and plant-based, which have their own benefits as well. More on that later.

How often should I drink vegan plant-based protein shakes?

While there’s no specific instruction on just how many protein shakes you can consume, the common recommendation is one to two shakes per day. Several studies also suggest that one to two meals replaced with these shakes can help fast track weight loss.

As for the debate on when to drink these shakes if you’re working out, there are benefits for doing so before and after a session. Drinking one before can help boost muscle-building, while consuming one after can speed up muscle recovery. Either way, the decision on when to drink depends on you and your weight loss goals.

Which is better: Whey protein shakes or vegan plant-based protein shakes?

Both vegan and whey protein powder offer health benefits that contribute to muscle growth and weight loss. They both have ingredients that contribute to those, and choosing either one can help you in your fitness journey.

However, if you have certain sensitivities due to lactose in whey protein powder, a plant-based vegan protein shake product might be the ideal fitness partner for you. Additionally, the vegan ingredients in these shakes are natural and locally-sourced, ensuring a healthy dose in every glass.

Overall, a vegan protein shake offers benefits that allow for an effective weight loss journey when coupled by exercise and a healthy diet. It also provides a safe alternative to non-vegan products and should be considered when choosing between plant-based proteins and whey. To get started on your own path to a healthier body, check out our product line of plant-based meal replacement shakes at IsoWhey!