Understanding the Keto Diet for Weight Loss

The Keto Diet plan is a popular method of weight loss that focuses on high-fat, low-carb foods. The intention is to get the body into ketosis, a state of the body that allows for significant weight loss. But with this type of diet becoming a popular trend, it’s important we have an understanding of what the science behind ketosis is to ensure it's safe and healthy for our particular body’s requirements. Read everything you need to know about keto below. 

What is ketosis?

Ketosis refers to the state where, rather than glucose, the body uses fat stores as a source of energy for the body. This results in the body having very low glucose, prompting your body to burn fat in its place. This process then produces ketones as the primary energy source for your body. These ketones are usually produced by the liver in small amounts, but they’re produced in higher amounts during ketosis due to the body's lack of glucose and insulin.  Now that you know the process of ketosis, how does the keto diet put your body into ketosis exactly? 

What is a keto diet, and how does it work? 

Keto diets are followed to push the body into ketosis. Using keto diets for weight loss remains a popular diet option and are also used for treating chronic illnesses. The keto diet works by following a set of specific rules around the food you’re eating.  A keto diet meal plan looks like keeping carbs low and fats high. While there are no hard and fast rules regarding how many carbs per day should be consumed while on a keto diet meal plan, a typical keto diet puts regular carb intake at less than 50 grams daily. It can also go as low as 20 grams every day - but keep this in mind when deciding whether or not keto is for you, as the rules can be very restrictive. 

How long does it take to get into ketosis? Are there any side effects?

You might wonder when you'll see the effects once you’re beginning your keto diet meal plan. Knowing what to expect during a keto weight loss can help you set realistic goals for yourself during this process.  The typical signs of ketosis include higher ketone levels, weight loss, thirst, hunger, fatigue, and stomach pains. Ketosis usually occurs in two to four days, as the glycogen reserves would be depleted by then. 

While weight loss is a welcome sign, especially for those looking to get to a healthier weight, the other symptoms may be a cause for concern if they are significant and cause you discomfort. Such side effects call into question if keto is actually healthy. Other adverse effects include kidney stones, extra fat in the liver, etc. With this, it’s essential to consult your doctor or medical professional before you begin keto so they can let you know whether this is a suitable diet plan for your individual needs. While keto can be healthy, it needs to be done safely and properly.  That being said, keto isn’t recommended for everyone, specifically for people with liver, pancreas, thyroid, and gallbladder problems. That’s why it’s important to talk to a doctor beforehand to see if a keto diet is best for your condition. 

 How can I create a keto diet meal plan? 

Creating a keto diet meal plan is a big adjustment from regular diets. While diets can vary as recommended by your doctor, the typical breakdown of a keto diet is as follows: 

  • Carbs: 5 - 10% 
  • Fats: 70 - 75% 
  • Protein: 15 - 20% 

Add keto-friendly food items such as eggs, poultry, meat, fatty fish, full-fat dairy products, etc. to your diet. Avoid carb-heavy food such as bread, desserts, pasta, and sweet drinks. Adhering to this diet religiously while ensuring you’re following your doctor’s recommendations can help trigger ketosis and its benefits as quickly as possible.  If you need an extra boost, you can’t go wrong with keto meal replacement shakes in Australia that are formulated to complement your keto diet. At IsoWhey, our keto meal replacement shakes are designed to fuel your body and support a ketogenic, high-fat, low-carb diet. Our shakes contain healthy fats that help the body enter and stay in ketosis. We recommend replacing at most two meals with this shake to help achieve your weight loss goals through ketosis. 

 Keto diets can be effective, but they require supervision from medical and fitness experts so you can apply them to your routine without sacrificing your health. Get the best advice for your personal weight loss goals before you embark on a keto diet journey. And for the best products to use once you start your keto diet, check out our keto meal replacement shakes and products here at IsoWhey!